Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Caleb recently got a swing for outside and he LOVES it!!! Todd pulls the swing as far as it will go and lets go and Caleb thinks it is hilarious! Caleb's crawling has also really taken off! Yesterday while I was sitting in the computer room, I turned around to see what Caleb was doing and he was making a run for it!! I followed him out of the computer room, into the living room, and then into the bedroom with only a few brief stops to pet the dogs and try to get on the couch!! So cute!! He is also pulling up on everything!!!! Someone slow this child down!! Here are some pics!! Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I fall in love with him all over again every time I see a new picture!!!! I think he needs more Aunt Lori time soon!!! :)
    Love, Aunt Lori
