Monday, June 14, 2010

I have a new found respect for people who blog. I have been trying to figure out how to make my page look as cool as some of the other blogs that I have visited and it's just not happening!! Anyway, not much to update on other than Caleb has figured out how to turn on his aquarium in his crib, I went to get him from his nap and he was just laying there watching it. We are also working on crawling, he's getting better at it but has not mastered it. He would probably be better at it if he didn't stop every couple of minutes to suck on his thumb! I will post a video maybe tomorrow of him trying hard to crawl. We go to the doctor Wednesday for his 6 month visit so I will update again after we get home!


  1. Call me when you get finished with his check up!! I can't wait to see you guys soon!!!
    Love Aunt Lori

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